Two exciting presentations from industry and research await you at the 4th MID Day on 10th November. The online event starts at 4 PM (CET) and is open to all free of charge.
First, William Slade, Director of North America-based Brayden Technical Agency LLC, will give the talk “3D MID and hardware innovation from North America”. In it, he will outline the most important sectors for MID applications in the USA over the last five years up to the present day.
Afterwards, Ejvind Olsen from Leibniz University Hannover – ITA will present the project “3D Copperprint” – generative generation of copper conductors by laser sintering on adaptive spatial circuit carriers – coordinated by 3-D MID. The project was completed at the end of 2020 and aimed to develop a cost-effective and resource-saving process for the deposition of copper conductors.
Each presentation will last about 20 minutes and will be accompanied by a discussion. Finally, the speakers and participants can network.
After registering online, you will receive the access data for the online event by e-mail.
You can find more information about the MID Day here.
Further dates of the MID Days can be found in the event calendar.