International MID Congress
The International MID Congress is a scientific congress organized and carried out by the Research Association 3-D MID, which deals with current topics concerning MID technologies. The event with scientific publications takes place every two years in different cities. Approximately 200 people from industry and science take part in this event. The conference language is English.
The two-day congress was first held in 1994 and was taking place for the 15th time (2023). For each congress there are proceedings (conference transcripts) with all information made available by 3-D MID.
Here you can find a review of the virtual MID Congress 2023.
Industrial Exhibition
Technical Tour
Companies participating in the congress have the opportunity to present themselves on site and thus attract attention. Interested parties have the choice between an exclusive exhibition booth, a table-top-presentation or a poster presentation.
Companies & Institutes that Exhibited at MID Congress 2023
At the end of the congress on 22nd of June 2023 a so-called Technical Tour took place, which is open to a limited number of participants for a fee. During this guided excursion, a company located in the respective region is visited, which is characterized by its work with innovative technologies. The Technical Tour of 2023 was offered through the Industry 4.0 model plant “THE IMPULSE” of Siemens AG Amberg.
At the THE IMPULSE visitor center in Amberg, solutions are shown that can overcome major challenges facing industry, such as more flexible production with consistently high efficiency, ever shorter innovation cycles and avoidance of downtime. The aim is to achieve this while at the same time making production as sustainable as possible. THE IMPULSE is a place where challenges become opportunities and the future becomes everyday life. There you can feel the heartbeat of the future of automation.
Picture: Technical Tour through the Industry 4.0 model plant “THE IMPULSE” of Siemens AG, Amberg, GER
MID Award
MID Best Paper
Since 1998, the MID Award has been awarded at the congress. Within this framework, the 3-D MID Research Association honors scientific work which has made outstanding contributions to the further technological development of mechatronic integrated devices.
The MID Award was granted at the 15th International MID Congress 2023 to Dr.-Ing. Li Wang for her dissertation “Evaluation of Usability Laser-assisted Methods for Selective Metallization for Improvement Passive Intermodulation in High Frequency Applications”.
Picture: Handover of the MID Award 2023; Prof. Franke, Prof. Zimmermann, Dr.-Ing. Wang, Obermaier (from left)
With the MID Best Paper Award, the 3-D MID Research Association honors exceptional scientific papers presented at the International MID Congress.
The MID Best Paper Award 2023 was given to Laura Fütterer (M.Sc.) from Laser Zentrum Hannover for her research on the project “3D-MosquitOPrint” – Mosquito Dispensed Waveguides in Cavities on 3D-MIDs.