Forschungsvereinigung Räumliche Elektronische Baugruppen 3-D MID e.V.
+49 911 5302 9 9100
+49 911 5302 9 9102
Computer Man Member area


About 100 companies and research institutes have already decided to become members of the Research Association. Membership in the Research Association is voluntary and is in general open to all industrial companies, research institutes and universities. The Research Association’s Board of Directors decides on the final acceptance as a member.


Download Application for Membership (PDF)


We offer our members the following services:

Knowledge Database

Network & Marketing

  • Free copy of the MID standard work and the MID study 2011
  • Members’ area with access to publications and research results
  • Free monthly subscription to the journal PLUS with the latest information on MID technologies
  • Access to the web-based MID information system WebMIDis (database for applications, manufacturing processes, joining techniques, materials)

  • Office as contact and networking point as well as technology consulting
  • Naming and describing your company/ institute on the homepage
  • Use of our logo for members in PR, presentations, brochures etc.
  • Publication of your developments, events etc. related to MID technology on our platforms and media


Research & Development

For further information on membership and to order information material, please contact the office via phone or e-mail (see contact details). E-Mail to the office

2022 © Research Association Mechatronic Integrated Devices 3-D MID e.V.




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