The year 2021, which is coming to an end, began for the Research Association 3-D MID with the first virtual international MID Congress, which had previously already been postponed from September 2020 to spring 2021. The online event was very well received. Through various sessions and break-out rooms, bilateral exchange as well as a presentation opportunity for our members could be created. In addition, the congress inspired with the usual variety of scientific publications and industry presentations.
Directly after the MID Congress, the first MID Day was held in February. This ‘technical hour’ gives an insight into one of the current research projects as well as news from a member company in a one-hour virtual meeting through two presentations. Since then the event is organized quarterly and the participation is free of charge for all.
In September the 2nd MID Summit took place at AEG in Nuremberg. Thanks to a strict hygiene concept, this could be held as a face-to-face event and thus enabled, for the first time since the beginning of 2020, a direct personal exchange with a large number of MID players. The MID Summit also included the general meeting, live demonstrations of a SEM from TESCAN and a 3D pick-and-place machine from Yamaha as well as a poster session of all current research projects.
We would like to thank all our members for their support, wish you a pleasant and relaxing holiday season and a good transition into the new year, where we hope for more direct interaction.

Photo 1: Richard Vereijssen from Yamaha Motors Europe gives his presentation “An introduction to Yamaha Robotics”; Photographer: Christian Voigt