Two exciting presentations from industry and research await you at the 3rd MID Day on 11th August. The online event starts at 4 PM and is open to everyone free of charge.
Dr. Martin Hedges from our industry partner Neotech AMT GmbH will give you insights into their EU project Penta “AMPERE”. This project will develop reliable and scalable hybrid Additive Manufacturing methods for producing multi-functional mechatronic systems. In the project which started on April 1st 2021 10 leading Research and Industrial partners from Germany and the Netherlands will develop essential AM technologies required for the robust and scalable manufacture of smart mechatronic products. The project will accommodate the manufacture of both small series, mass customised products whilst scaling through to high production volumes (>10.000 parts). Three innovative product cases will demonstrate the hybrid manufacturing approach and move beyond the State-of-the-Art: LED luminaires, Signal/Power Electronics and Medical Devices.
Figure 1: Fully additively manufactured luminaire; Source: Neotech AMT GmbH
Figure 2: Stepwise soldering with three different solders; Source: Fraunhofer IEM, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe
From the field of research, the “Ressiar” project – manufacturing individual sensor systems in small batches – coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute IEM and the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences will be presented by Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Mager from Fraunhofer Institute IEM. This was completed at the end of 2020 and aimed to enable small and medium-sized enterprises to take the first steps in the areas of design, manufacturing, testing and commissioning when retrofitting plants with smart sensor systems. For this purpose, a library was to be developed that enables less experienced developers here to identify application-specific retrofit strategies, configure spatially integrated sensor systems and integrate the developed sensor systems into existing production systems.
Further information on the project can be found here.
Please find more information about the 3rd MID Day here.