Strong cooperation for strong technology: The Research Association for Spatial Electronic Assemblies 3-D MID e.V. (MID, Mechatronic Integrated Devices) and the Fachverband Elektronik-Design (FED, Arbeitskreis 3D-Elektronik) have decided on a close cooperation. A main objective of the partners is to continuously exchange knowledge and experience in order to advance innovation topics in the field of design and production of spatial electronic circuits. In addition, the two leading technology associations want to work together to demonstrate the advantages and versatility of modern 3D electronics using practical application scenarios.
“The FED as well as the research association 3-D MID e.V. and above all the respective members should benefit considerably from our intensive cooperation”, emphasizes Philipp Bräuer, managing director of the research association 3-D MID e.V. “We are looking forward to the cooperation”, says Hanno Platz, FED working group 3D electronics. “The aim is to build up joint know-how and to facilitate the bridge between research and series production”. The Organic and Printed Electronics Association (OE-A), which has been cooperating with MID e.V. since 2017, is also a member of the association. Wolfgang Mildner, member and fellow of the OE-A, sees this as the consistent formation of hybrid electronics, which represents a combination of assembly technologies.
The appropriate framework for the decision to cooperate was the MID Summit 2019 on 21 May in Nuremberg. With this event, the Research Association for Spatial Electronic Assemblies 3-D MID e.V. promotes the networking of members and external interested parties. The MID Summit offers a new, innovative platform for MID technology. The FED and the FED Working Group 3D Electronics were represented at the MID Summit with their own booth. Many visitors of the event were interested in the FED as an association as well as in the Working Group 3D Electronics. A cooperation of the associations was welcomed in many conversations.
Already at the MID Summit the Research Association for Spatial Electronic Assemblies 3-D MID e.V. and the FED Working Group 3D Electronics planned some joint projects:
- Collaboration in the research of computer-aided design tools and methods for the design of spatial electronic circuit carriers
- Possible cooperation in the development of a new, industry-independent 3D MID demonstrator to present the current features of 3D-MID e.V. even better.
- Participation in partner events such as MID Summit, FED Conference, etc.
- Information of the members of one partner about events of the other partner association, for example in newsletters.
- Arrangement of dates for the planning of events of the FED or the research association 3-D MID e.V.
In addition the concrete initiation of a common research project of both federations at the chair for manufacturing automation and production systematics of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAPS) and common co-operation at the Roadmap of the OE-A are aimed at. A further cooperation topic is the joint conception of solution approaches for expandable and flexible electronics in the areas of medical and wearable.
About the Research Association Spatial Electronic Assemblies 3-D MID e.V.
In order to support the various interdisciplinary tasks during the introduction of MID technology, the Research Association for Spatial Electronic Assemblies 3-D MID e.V. was founded in Erlangen in 1992. The aim is to bring together knowledge from the various fields. The research association 3-D MID e.V. consists of more than 100 industrial companies and research institutes from the fields of materials, injection moulding, structuring and further processing with assembly, soldering and testing as well as users of the technology.
The research association Spatial Electronic Assemblies 3-D MID e.V. deals with industry-related research topics. The projects are financed from own funds or within the framework of AiF-IGF projects (Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen “Otto von Guericke” e.V. – Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung) with public funds of the BMWi (Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy).
About the FED Working Group 3D Electronics
The “FED Working Group 3D Electronics” brings together research competencies from different disciplines and different areas of packaging technology (AVT). The background: Innovative processes such as 3D multi-material printing, hybrid solutions made of ceramics and flexible printed circuit boards or stretchable substrates for medical technology applications require cooperative basic developments or even joint research into completely new possibilities. Training courses for developers and designers are to be developed for the extensive new field of 3D electronics. Strategic topics such as the reduction of barriers between the mCAD and eCAD worlds will also be promoted. The FED is actively involved in national and international standardization committees.
At the beginning of 2019, the working group initiated the “3D Electronics Technology Network”. On this platform, industrial partners work together with the ten institutes to effectively and holistically develop new project ideas for their companies. On request, the network supports its members in applying for and billing subsidies from the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) of the BMWi.
Philipp Bräuer, Forschungsvereinigung Räumliche Elektronische Baugruppen 3-D MID e.V.:
Hanno Platz, FED-Arbeitskreis 3D-Elektronik: