On 17th February, 2021 at 4 PM, the new series of events, the ‘MID Days’, took place for the first time via Zoom. With over 50 participants, the start of the event was a great success. The MID Days provide insights into the research projects of the Research Association 3-D MID and create the opportunity to network with other participants. They are freely accessible and free of charge for anyone interested in MID.
On the 1st MID Day, two of the current research projects were presented by the scientists working on them. After a brief welcome by the chairman of the board, Prof. Joerg Franke, Alexander Hensel from the chair FAPS presented the project “Silver sintering on 3D ceramic substrates for electronics in high-temperature applications (AgOn3D)”. This was followed by a lecture by Simone Neermann from the chair FAPS on the project “Fast and flexible production of conductor structures for the production of large-area mechatronic components using laser-assisted direct printing (LaDi-Print)”.
Every presentation took 20 minutes and was followed by a question and answer session of around 10 minutes. Punctually at 5 PM, participants were able to connect with each other and with the speakers within a Zoom Meeting.
The MID Days take place once a quarter.
The next dates of the MID Days 2021 are:
1) MID Day: 12th May
2) MID Day: 11th August
3) MID Day: 10th November
We look forward to seeing you at the next MID Day.