We are delighted to have joined the network of the Research Association for Mechatronic Integrated Devices 3-D MID in January 2022. As a member of the Research Association, we are looking forward to collaborate with other members who also aim to improve our society through 3D MID.
SENIN TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION is a total solution provider of design consulting, development, manufacturing, 3D SMT and sales for 3D MID.
SENIN TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION has transferred the whole 3D MID business from JOHNAN CORPORATION and was established in Tokyo, Japan in 2021. The headquarter in Tokyo offers 3D CAD and inspection equipment for MID prototyping. The company also has a sales office in Kyoto, Japan which provides 3D inspection equipment and supports QA for the customers.
The corporation has always developed several 3D MIDs for various markets like consumer, automotive, industry and medical. We would like to inspire engineers, the design imagination and co-create new value which was unlikely in the past with them. The company provides a one-stop solution to achieve our mission. For example, some customers are concerned about the device mounting on 3D MID. And other customers may be concerned about the development of 3D MID. We would like to take care of their issues.
Kyoto Office
Mr. Hiromi Matsuo
2F Tsujiiwa new Bldg, 111-1, Ogurachokubo, Ujisi, Kyoto, 611-0042
Phone: +81-774-66-5973
e-Mail: hiromi.matsuo@senintech.com
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