Forschungsvereinigung Räumliche Elektronische Baugruppen 3-D MID e.V.
+49 911 5302 9 9100
+49 911 5302 9 9102
Computer Man Member area

MID Summit & MID Workshop

Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V. Allmandring 9b, Stuttgart

16th Mechatronic Integration Discourse 2025

ACC Amberger Congress Centrum Schießstätteweg 8, Amberg

The International Mechatronic Integration Discourse is a scientific conference organized and carried out by the Research Association 3-D MID e.V....

MID Summit & MID Workshop 2026

This two-day event will feature expert presentations from industry leaders and researchers, highlighting the latest developments in MID applications and...

2022 © Research Association Mechatronic Integrated Devices 3-D MID e.V.




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