MID Summit & MID Workshop
October 23 – 24, 2024 – Hahn-Schickard, Allmandring 9b, 70569 Stuttgart, GER

Opening Session
9:15 AM
Prof. André Zimmermann, Hahn-Schickard and Prof. Jörg Franke, 3-D MID e.V.
9:30 AM
Opening with Keynote
Prof. Florian Risch, Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Produktionssystematik (FAPS)
Applications + Technologies
10:00 AM
SolarTAP – A technology acceleration platform for emerging PV technology from the lab to the fab
Wolfgang Mildner, Project SolarTAP – Initiative der Helmholtz Institute
10:30 AM
Atmospheric plasma spray for current collectors in solid-state batteries
Andre Borchers, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS
11:00 AM
Additive manufacturing in power electronics
Dr. Thomas Stoll, TUM School of Engineering and Design
11:30 AM
Functional e-integration using wire encapsulating additive manufacturing
Lukas Boxberger, Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU, Biomechatronik
12:00 PM
Lunch Break and Networking, Exhibition and Poster Session of Current Research Projects
1:00 PM
Next generation low loss & plateable LCP solutions
Otmar Bade, Celanese GmbH
1:30 PM
Bonding mechanisms of Copper Metallization via Atmospheric Plasma Spraying on Power Electronic Chips
Manuela Ockel, Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Produktionssystematik (FAPS)
2:00 PM
3D Ceramic circuits: Applications & benefits going beyond electronics
Frederik Luppens CERcuits BV
2:30 PM
Microscopy, spectroscopy and materials data to advanced sodium based solid state batteries
Prof. Silke Christiansen, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS
3:00 PM
Assembly and connection technologies on 3D-capable substrates
Kai Werum, Hahn-Schickard
3:30 PM
For Members: General Meeting of 3-D MID e.V.
For Non-Members: Speed Dating
4:30 PM
Networking, Exhibition and Poster Session of Current Research Projects
6:00 PM
Evening Event, Catering and Drinks
9:00 AM
Opening with Keynote
Prof. Alexander Brem, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI)
Start-up Companies
9:45 AM
Tagless traceability for MIDs
Dr. Benedikt Wigger, Detagto GmbH
10:00 AM
Test methods for aluminium flex layer substrates
Martin Muckelbauer, Powerlyze GmbH
10:15 AM
Laboratory automation for R&D in printed electronics
Tobias Stubhan, Sciprios GmbH
10:30 AM
Coffee Break
10:45 AM
Digitally qualify circuit board layouts and THT soldering processes
Dr. Reinhardt Seidel, DEEPTRONICS GmbH
11:00 AM
Production technology for coil modules for inductive power transfer
Maximilian Kneidl, Seamless Energy Technologies GmbH
11:15 AM
Printed electronics – managing quality challenges
Wolfgang Mildner, TestCenter MSWtech/BayflexSolutions
11:30 AM
to be defined
12:00 AM
Lunch Break and Networking, Exhibition and Poster Session of Current Research Projects
1:00 PM
- Design theory and similarity mechanics
led by PD Dr. Stephan Rudolph - New research areas for MID
led by Dr. Wolfgang Eberhardt, Dr. Andrea Knöller - 3D construction technology in power electronics
led by Dr. Bernd Bitterlich - Printed 3D electronics
led by Dr. Kerstin Gläser, Dr. Tobias Vieten
3:00 PM
Networking, Exhibition and Poster Session of Current Research Projects
3:30 PM
Summary of Workshop Results
Workshop leaders
4:00 PM
Summary of the Event and Outlook
Prof. André Zimmermann, Hahn-Schickard and Prof. Jörg Franke, 3-D MID e.V.